710 m

11.2 km

2,292 m

Lago Nero – Maira valley

Lake Nero is a pearl hidden among the folds of the northern buttress of Rocca la Meja, a vertical Dolomitic rock formation by no coincidence widely considered to be one of the finest mountains in the Cuneo Alps. It is a truly delightful loop thanks to its secluded environment and…

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by Valerio Dutto 0

830 m

12.1 km

2,020 m

Mount Chialmo – Grana valley

Monte Chialmo is part of the long ridge separating the Grana and Maira valleys as it rises up to Monte Tibert. Although not the highest peak, the summit offers a superlative and unexpected panorama: the horizon takes in the Ligurian Alps and the Cozie Alps dominated by the imposing bulk…

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by Valerio Dutto 0

550 m

11.1 km

1,450 m

Pis del Pesio – Pesio valley

Rainfall and snow in melting the wide Càrsene valley penetrate into the underground cavities of the karst terrain to feed tunnels, siphons and underground lakes that give rise in spring to the splendid Pis del Pesio waterfalls. This itinerary and its spectacular environments is entirely inside the Marguareis Natural Park…

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by Valerio Dutto 0

1,080 m

11.4 km

1,970 m

Garelli Refuge – Pesio valley

The Garelli Refuge is a charming stone structure with a very modern glass and metal extension reflecting the surrounding mountains. A not-to-be-missed hike in the heart of the Marguareis Natural Park amidst high altitude, lush green pastures at the feet of the astonishing north face of the Marguareis, the highest…

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by Valerio Dutto 0